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Tag Archives: Health

Dates, a miraculous fruit from Arabia

Dates, an exotic fruit with many benefits. Today, โปรโมชั่น ufabet has information about dates to share with you. Everyone must have seen the dried fruit called ” Dates ” or what many people call ” Dates “, which are small, dry, dark brown oval fruits sold in the dried

6 types of fruits that can be eaten to reduce belly fat

Of course, girls Those who are concentrating on losing weight must pay attention to the issue of food. Especially choosing to eat each type of fruit. Because not all fruits can help you lose weight. But on the contrary, it causes weight to increase without realizing it. Because the amount of sugar

5 herbs to comfortably deal with menopause.

Testosterone decreases during menopause. It occurs when androgen hormones gradually decrease. The onset of this condition varies from person to person. It depends on how well health care is provided. On average, it begins at around 48-52 years of age. How to deal with menopause? Related to the practice of

8 ways to turn “exercise” into a habit

8 ways to turn “exercise” into a habit I believe everyone knows that exercise is good for the body. It is considered a positive behavior that is beneficial to health . Many people want to start exercising seriously. Whether the reason is because you want to lose weight, lose