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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Reduce the risk of “depression” with foods that increase “serotonin”

Reduce the risk of “depression” with foods that increase “serotonin” Our bodies contain neurotransmitters that regulate emotions. help us in a good mood helps to sleep better But when the amount of a neurotransmitter call serotonin (Serotonin) is reduced, then we will feel stressed, irritated, bad mood, depression

Is it true or not? Oysters increase sexual desire?

Is it true or not? Oysters increase sexual desire? I believe that many people must have heard of this story already. Even teasing people. Who like to eat a lot of oysters, saying, “I wonder if I want to do it tonight,” even buying oysters for a new couple

benefits of lotus seed good for health with caution

benefits of lotus seed good for health with caution Lotus is a flower that has associate with the way of life of Thai people for a long time. This can be seen from the use of lotus flowers in both auspicious. And inauspicious events. as well as the processing of