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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Water-soluble vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins Vitamin B1 helps improve the efficiency of the nervous system, heart, and digestive tract. It is a vitamin that the body cannot create on its own. Vitamin B2 helps in growth, helps prevent canker sores, helps nourish hair, nails and skin. It is

How to lose weight with clean food

How can clean food help you lose weight? This may be a question that many people wonder about. Generally, food is the main factor that directly affects body weight. Therefore, eating clean food that comes from nature, unprocessed or minimally processed. May help reduce the

Vitamin B deficiency, what should I eat?

Vitamin B deficiency is rare because vitamin B can be found in common foods. However, some people may wonder what to eat if they have a vitamin B deficiency. In general, the body gets vitamin B from eating a variety of natural foods, such as

Low blood pressure, can I drink beer?

Many people may have doubts that if you have low blood pressure, can you drink beer? If you drink it, what effect will it have on your health? Generally, beer is a type of alcoholic beverage that often causes high blood pressure to rise, but

What should you eat after exercising and why?

What should you eat after exercising? Foods that you should eat after exercising include carbohydrates, protein, and water. Because when exercising, the body loses carbohydrates, which are its main source of energy, as well as protein in muscles and water from sweating. So it should

Food to relieve fatigue and tiredness, and to refresh yourself

Sleeping a lot but waking up still tired may be due to vitamin deficiency. Recommend natural food sources! Sleeping a lot but feeling inadequate, but waking up still feeling tired, feeling like you don’t want to get up and go to work, like you’re burned

“Fish Kidney Curry” Spicy curry paste with full herbal benefits. 

#SAVE Fish Kidney Curry, delicious and full of benefits from curry paste and side vegetables. Suggesting ways to increase nutrition and reduce saltiness. From the case where TasteAtlas, a website that provides food information and ranks food menus around the world. Revealed the results of